How to Request Google, Yelp and Facebook Reviews From Your Patients?

  1. Click on Appointments by Date in the left control panel. {0.15}

  2. request-google-yelp-facebook-reviews-from-patients-1.png
  3. Select the desired date. {0.20}

  4. request-google-yelp-facebook-reviews-from-patients-2.png
  5. Select all the checkboxes if you wish to request a review from all the patients. However, if you don't wish to request a review from some patients, you can uncheck their boxes. {0.37}

  6. request-google-yelp-facebook-reviews-from-patients-3.png
  7. Click on the Request Review button on the top panel. { 0.40}

  8. request-google-yelp-facebook-reviews-from-patients-4.png
  9. When the patients click on the link, they will be asked to choose from some of the popular review sites. {0.50}

  10. request-google-yelp-facebook-reviews-from-patients-5.png
  11. Clicking on the google button, will take them to your office's google reviews page where they can rate and write a review {1.00}

  12. request-google-yelp-facebook-reviews-from-patients-6.png
  13. It works in a similar manner for Yelp and Facebook. {1.03}

  14. request-google-yelp-facebook-reviews-from-patients-7.png

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