How to Customize the Message That Goes Out in the Online Review Requests.

  1. Click Online Reviews in the left control panel and Select Settings. {0.18}

  2. customize-message-of-online-review-requests-1
  3. Click Text Customization tab. If you like the default message leave it as it. {0.28}

  4. customize-message-of-online-review-requests-2
  5. You can personalize the message by adding the doctor's name or any of the staff's names. Make sure to leave the patient's name and review link as it is. {0.35}

  6. customize-message-of-online-review-requests-3
  7. Click on Preview before sending the message. {0.55}

  8. customize-message-of-online-review-requests-4
  9. You can even send a text preview message to your phone. {1.06}

  10. customize-message-of-online-review-requests-5
  11. Click the Save button {1. 15}

  12. customize-message-of-online-review-requests-6
  13. Similarly you can modify the content in the Email customization tab. {1.23}

  14. customize-message-of-online-review-requests-7

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